3A common condition for women, mostly older women, is the Pelvic Organ Prolapse which is the dis-attachment of the organs in the pelvic as they move to the lower portion of the pelvic. The parts that are abnormally dislocated are the uterus and anterior and posterior vagina. And with the dislocation of pelvic parts, the bladder descents as well therefore causing bladder-related diseases and conditions. The usual bladder condition is known as SUI or Stress Urinary Incontinence that older women are more prone to.


Women live very stressful lives with the many roles they play. When you sneeze or cough and exert pressure on the bladder and vaginal mesh have you ever experienced a sudden leak of urine and has this occurred more than once? If you notice that this happens to you consistently then you most likely have what is known as Stress Urinary Incontinence.


Many people are curious as to what this is and who is most likely to have it?

This is a medical condition that happens when the bladder can no longer function properly due to the stress and trauma it experiences. This is an uncontrollable condition that happen on unexpected daily routines; driving on curved roads, sudden standing up or even walking at a fast pace causes urine leak for someone suffering from SUI.


If you feel that this only occurs on women’s older years then think again because health experts firmly state that even an 18 year old can have this condition. The recent surveys and studies show that 18 million women are already affected in the Unites States alone. Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_prolapse to learn more about health risks of women.


There is nothing better then prevention and information before detection so here are the most common risk factors and causes of Pelvic Organ prolapse:


Gender – women are more prone to this. Coughing related diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma also make a person susceptible to POP. Childbirth and pregnancy is also another factor. Be healthy and live healthy as an opposite lifestyle where smoking and obesity are present can be the cause of having such a disease. The age of a woman is crucial most especially if she is between 40 years old to 60 years old. A small percentage of POP is actually filled up by the male population especially those who use steroid.


But there is always hope to getting better with the available treatment, medication and surgery for the major Pelvic Organ Prolapse cases or vaginal mesh complications, so you need not worry at all.