5There have been a lot of transvaginal mesh lawsuits that have been filed by hundreds of women in the United States because of the side effects they have suffered with as a result of the surgical mesh or string implants. Even if this device was used as treatment for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary stress incontinence it has been seen to pose several threats to the health of those who have this medical device because of the side effects from the implants of surgical mesh. It is important to know your rights, so if you or someone you know is suffering from the side effects of this medical device then it is important to know more about a transvaginal lawsuit.


Transvaginal Mesh Uses


The main purpose of a transvaginal mesh is to treat two medical conditions namely, vaginal mesh erosion and pelvic organ prolapse. What are these conditions? Well, stress urinary incontinence is the condition where women involuntarily urinate with basic physical actions like coughing or laughing. This is often due to the pelvic muscles becoming too weak to support the urethra, as the result the urethra can no longer support the bladder as well. When pelvic organs collapse intro the vaginal wall, this condition is known as pelvic organ prolapse.


These two conditions are more dangerous among women because these conditions are aggravated during pregnancy and child birth. Because of the condition, many women have reported significant changes in their health. If you have stress urinary incontinence, there will only be minor problems such as social embarrassment since they lack bladder control, but there are more serious complications when it comes to pelvic organ prolapse, such as vaginal prolapse itself, sometimes it is so severe that the vagina is actually outside the body already. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHrVj2cIPHk to learn more about this issue.


Women who suffer from this condition usually turn to surgical treatment like transvaginal mesh implants in order to fix their condition. There are different areas where the mesh can be placed, depending on the need, it can be placed along the urethra or bowel, the uterus, bladder, rectum and vagina. The downside to this is that, women have found more trouble because of the treatment rather than actual answers to their problems, and these complications have led to them filing transvaginal lawsuits.


Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

Although there are different side effects and complications with the use of transvaginal mesh, people often file a vaginal mesh complications lawsuit because of these complications: infection of implant site, vaginal mesh erosion, painful intercourse, bleeding and incontinence. There are other more complicated complications that need further surgical procedures to correct, some of which include recurring pelvic organ prolapse, chronic vaginal discharge and  vaginal scarring.


There are several benefits you can gain if you file a transvaginal mesh lawsuit against the manufacturer of the product, you can gain compensation for missing work, suffering and spending on procedures to correct the complications.